Salt Made in Harmony with the Environment

We all share this world together, and a certain segment of consumers care deeply about the environmental footprint their products create.

Environment - Secret Sun Sea SaltsCompanies that make products with eco-friendly ingredients and materials can grow their market share and enjoy fierce consumer loyalty.

Much of the world’s salt is sourced from mining operations. We stand apart from the norm by utilizing the natural processes of the environment to harvest Secret Sun® Sea Salts in a way that honors the wildlife refuge from which they come.

Our salt is gently harvested from Laguna Ojo de Liebre, a coastal lagoon in Mexico that serves as a whale sanctuary and is listed on the Unesco World Heritage List. Our salt is a gift from Mother Nature, a gift we don’t take for granted! If you want to create foods with ingredients that honor the environment, Secret Sun Sea Salts can help you achieve this goal.

Learn more about our truly unique salt harvesting methods, or click on a button below to read about even more benefits of our salt.

Learn about our salt’s other benefits: